Featured Property Ad Strategy

Get 100+ views on individual listing pages every month with targeted Facebook ads.

Get 100+ views on individual listing pages every month with targeted Facebook ads.

It’s Common Sense.

I take basic web strategies like blogging and Facebook posting and convert them into ROI-boosting tools to market individual properties to targeted leads. All you need to leverage this strategy is:

  • Facebook page
  • Blog
  • Sexy, hi-res photos of your property (great asset, but not mandatory)

*This strategy works best with people who have around 500 page likes, however, it still works with those who have less. With this strategy, you’ll see your Facebook audience grow over time. If you want to build up your audience on Facebook, I offer a page buildup package that we can discuss. This might be required for brand new clients.

A low impact, cost-effective strategy. 

The web and social media are powerful ways to generate interest in your properties, but without the expertise of how to use those tools, they just turn into a fruitless time suck. My Facebook strategy takes your existing assets and generates REAL, TARGETED traffic to your most stubborn properties.

You already know about the importance of blogging and having a strong social media presence, but sometimes no matter how much you work on those elements, it doesn’t really seem to translate into ROI. I’m here to change that.

This strategy is great for individual agents and agencies looking to generate traffic to stubborn listings across the pricing spectrum.

Compete with national brands.

To get in the ring with a Berkshire Hathaway or a Keller Williams, you’ll need to cough up thousands of dollars without a guarantee that users will even visit specific properties. That doesn’t work for small to mid-level agents or agencies that don’t have thousands of dollars to dominate Google’s ad space.

By going ultra-niche with my property-level strategy, you can out-compete national and local competitors on a listing-by-listing basis.

Want proof? Check out results from a client below.

It’s Common Sense.

I take basic web strategies like blogging and Facebook posting and convert them into ROI-boosting tools to market individual properties to targeted leads. All you need to leverage this strategy is:

  • Facebook page
  • Blog
  • Sexy, hi-res photos of your property (great asset, but not mandatory)

*This strategy works best with people who have around 500 page likes, however, it still works with those who have less. With this strategy, you’ll see your Facebook audience grow over time. If you want to build up your audience on Facebook, I offer a page buildup package that we can discuss. This might be required for brand new clients.

A high impact, cost-effective strategy. 

The web and social media are powerful ways to generate interest in your properties, but without the expertise of how to use those tools, they just turn into a fruitless time suck. My Facebook strategy takes your existing assets and generates REAL, TARGETED traffic to your most stubborn properties.

You already know about the importance of blogging and having a strong social media presence, but sometimes no matter how much you work on those elements, it doesn’t really seem to translate into ROI. I’m here to change that.

This strategy is great for individual agents and agencies looking to generate traffic to stubborn listings across the pricing spectrum.

Compete with national brands.

To get in the ring with a Berkshire Hathaway or a Keller Williams, you’ll need to cough up thousands of dollars without a guarantee that users will even visit specific properties. That doesn’t work for small to mid-level agents or agencies that don’t have thousands of dollars to dominate Google’s ad space.

By going ultra-niche with my property-level strategy, you can out-compete national and local competitors on a listing-by-listing basis.

Want proof? Check out results from a client below.

A Quick Case Study

1,000s of Actions in less than 8 weeks

*The metric includes any action that was recorded and attributed to your ads. It is a sum of engagement actions (such as post reactions or video views), link clicks and conversions (such as website adds to cart or offline purchases).

Reached 10s of Thousands with Targeted Ads

*The number of unique people who saw the ads at least once.

Impressions Are WAY Up

*Total number of times that ads were viewed in total. Can include multiple views by the same user. 

Cost per Click is at $0.37

*Campaign costs initially start out higher but getting CPC down below $1 is doable over an 8-week timeframe.

The best part? All that Facebook activity is translating to real traffic to individual listings on the client’s site.

*Highlighted URLs show number of sessions over the last 8 weeks of Facebook ad performance. These individual listings are the highest trafficked pages after our major landing pages and the homepage.

Do you want to see results like that? Check out our plans and pricing below.

Plans & Pricing

All packages below include the following:

  • Facebook Pixel setup
  • Facebook audience setup
  • Blog content creation
  • Blog publication
  • Ad creation
  • Ongoing campaign management
  • Minimum monthly ad budget ($50/month)

The price gets you 30 days of targeted marketing per property. For multiple property packages, the 30-day time frame can be concurrent. Increases to minimum ad budget are done on property-to-property basis.

10+ properties or agency packages? Let’s get in touch directly. I’ll give you a free consultation.

Get in touch with me below to learn more about my strategy, to get a free consultation, or discuss plans that are right for you.